Wednesday, May 11, 2011


There was a challenge to write this blog post completely in one syllable words but I don't believe I could properly express myself in with such a restriction. I promise that is the only reason this post isn't all one syllable words.

ANYWAY! This wonderful blog post is about college! Or at least the perspective of a high schooler who is only just beginning the process of applying to higher education. Since recently, I had given college minimal amount of thought other that one thing. I was certain that I did not want to go to the U of I. After all, I have lived in Chambana my entire life! If you were to ask a young me, I would tell you that college is the time to move to far away places and rarely have to see my parents! These views have changed *slightly* since then. As of now, the U of I is number one on my list of possible colleges. But lets start at the beginning of the beginning of my college process.

At the start of this school year, I signed up for ACT prep classes over winter break. This was the first time that it actually started to sink in that I was at the verge of college. My parents found a great ACT prep teacher who came with very great recommendations and the stage was set for me to have no free time over winter break. The class wasn't actually that bad. It was pretty boring but I got through it anyways. What I didn't realize at the time was that Jason Franklin (the teacher) is amazing. The first time I took the ACT in february, I got a score I was extremely happy with and I think I owe some of that credit to Mr. Franklin.

After I got the scores of my ACT back, I cancelled the next ACT I was signed up for because I felt no need to take it again. And since that day I haven't done much else in terms of college preparation. I guess I'm really lucky in that sense. Now back to why I want to go to the U of I. Over the summer, I interned in the Mechanical Engineering building on campus and I loved the work they were doing and the types of classes students take in that field. So as of now, it looks like Mech Engineering will be my major (something that the U of I is known for). I also have found that I prefer large schools to small ones. On top of that, I started playing cricket on campus which is something I would love to continue when college comes around.

Though there aren't that many reasons I can list as to why I want to go to the U of I, it would be hard to make a case to go anywhere else when the cheapest school for me to go to also happens to be one of the best in my field. As of now all I am is excited for college. From talking to my friends that are in college now, it seems like a great time. Now all I have left is to write my essays which shouldn't be too much trouble.


  1. Great post! Though, unlike you, I remain in my determination to get out of Illinois for college.

  2. YEAH, Jason Franklin was awesome, I too had a great ACT score the first time thanks to him. I'm also definitely excited but I wish I had connections to get internships to explore new options. I'm glad you've got a good idea as to where you'll want to go for college.

  3. I can't imagine going to the U of I for college, not in a million years. Not just because I want to get out of CU as soon as possible, but also because I don't think its the right kind of school for me. I admit I haven't really though about where I _do_ want to go. Hopefully I'll make some progress on that this summer. Nice post!

  4. Its crazy how fast things are going. I remember when we first walked through the doors of Uni as scared kids, and now we're almost off to college. crazy stuff

  5. Good post. I also always thought of college being the time when I would finally get to be away from my parents. It is a little annoying having to come to terms with the fact that the U of I is actually a great school in a lot of respects. As well as the fact that it is so cheap compared to most other options.

  6. Great post Sid. I'm going through exactly what you are going through. I never thought about going to the U of I and now it's my number one prospect. Looks like we have the same interest in majors too! See you at the U of I hopefully!

  7. I took a Jason Franklin ACT prep course over winter break too. The man is amazing. I just hope I don't forget everything he taught me before I take the ACT in June. I'm a little nervous I'm not gonna lie. Is it true that JF's practice tests are harder than the actual ACT? That's what I hear.

  8. Great post Sid! I still have absolutely no idea where I want to go to college. The U of I is a possibility, but I'm not very excited about staying here for four more years.

  9. Wow it's great to know that you know what you're doing! When I was a junior I was just like.. yeah, let's just get the testing OVER WITH. And then it was like... let's get the essays OVER WITH. and now it's all over lol I have to start looking at the "bigger picture." :D Don't worry too much about essays. Even though you've probably heard a bunch of seniors gripe about essay writing, it wasn't actually *that* bad. The hardest part is deciding what to write about. :) But thanks to Non-Fiction Writing class I bet all the juniors will have a pretty good time recycling essays during the college app period. :)

  10. Good post! U of I is also on my list of schools I want to attend (especially since I want to enter Engineering). At the same time though, I do want to move away from home and my parents a bit since I've been on this campus for so long.

  11. The U of I was definitely one of my first choices for colleges, especially for engineering. I will miss the ability to see my parents on a regular basis and find my favorite spot at Grainger Library. Nevertheless, I won't look back. That said, I do regret not starting my college essays sooner.
