Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh Sheesh Y'all!

One of my favorite things to do when I'm next to a computer is waste time. Regardless of what homework assignment I need to be doing, if it’s online, there is a more than likely chance I will get distracted. The internet is a dangerous place because it is so vast and the possibilities of pointless things to do and watch are endless. It always begins with the checking of my Facebook page. From there, it progresses to a state of idiocy, clicking link after link, meandering my time away. The worst part about all of this is that at night, my sleep cycle is thrown off completely by my computer, I try to turn my lights off my 10:30, and hope that is the end of it. But I seem to always end up getting back on to my computer and checking just one more thing. Eventually I'll promise myself to go to bed at 10:45. Then it becomes 11. Then 12. Then 12:30. And hopefully by then, out of sheer exhaustion, I turn my computer off.

But what could possibly so interesting that I need to stay up for an extra 3 hours? Many things. The first and foremost culprit that causes my sleep depravation is Reddit. Reddit is a site where a bunch of people post random links to pictures, videos, and opinions. The most popular things get voted to the front page. Unfortunately for me, these links are very entertaining and I usually spend about and hour daily clicking through them mindlessly. I was debating on whether or not to link you to this dreadfully addicting site out of fear of spreading my addiction. But hey, clicking it is totally up to you, right?

Another site that has me hooked is YouTube. I am assuming every one of you has heard of this video-sharing site, but I will tell you why it is truly evil. Two simple words: Related Video's. I couldn't even imagine the amount of extra sleep I would have on my belt if not for this feature. When get on to the site, it is usually from a link that a friends sends to me, or from Reddit. It could easily stop there. But unfortunately, YouTube has a feature where they suggest other videos that they think you would like. For a tired and weak mind (how my mind usually is at 11 o-clock) it is absolutely irresistible. "Hmmm, that looks interesting, oh look at that! I have to see that next video!" And the cycle repeats itself over and over and over.

The third means of time wasting (and the inspiration for the title of this post) is Jake and Amir. Jake and Amir are two guys that work at They make short sketch videos that are each about 2 minutes long, and also happen to be insanely addicting. I've spent hours upon hours on their site, watching all of their videos. I am confident that I have seen all of them, and could probably quote most of them. If you want to know about some of my favorites, just ask me. But I think it is preferable that you discover them for yourself.

Writing about all of these things makes me realize how easily addicted I am. Having a computer is the sole reason you will see me tired at school. So don't feel bad for me when I say that I'm tired, I'm doing it to myself.


  1. lawl. Jake and Amir is hilarious. I remember long ago when we would stay up watching videos at sleep overs all night. I too find myself entranced by the internet when trying to concentrate on homework. I like this post and I feel like its something that many people can relate to. nice job

  2. too true Sid :)
    A friends just suggested to me this website called StumbleUpon where you tell it things that you are interested in and it shows you videos, pictures, websites, etc. When you've seen it, you hit thumbs up or thumbs down and then "oh look!" there's another something just waiting to be looked at. It sounds similar to Reddit.
    And we can't forget about our dear friend facebook...
    Nice post

  3. Scary. You list two sites here that I've never visited, but now I know about them! More temptation.

    Yes, the internet is a huge time-sucking black hole. So much entertainment, so much potential for procrastination. It's hard. But self-control can lead to more work accomplished and more sleep. I recommend keeping a kitchen timer next to your computer. The only problem is that you actually have to get off facebook (or youtube, or when it beeps. That's the hard part.

  4. I also find myself wandering to websites such as Facebook and Youtube when I mean to do work. Those websites turn one hour assignments into five hour plus assignments. Interesting and well-written post!


